1. 111 Bible Meaning
  2. 888 Meaning Bible

Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven: 777- The Biblical Meaning of Number 777: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with the things that are in association, with the name of Jesus Christ Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight: 888- The Biblical Meaning of Number 888: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with the. Jul 25, 2018 Read on to discover the Angel Number 888 meanings and why you are seeing 888! The Number 8 - A Symbol of Infinity One of the significant aspects to Angel Number 888 or to the Number 8 is that it is the symbol for infinity. Infinity means all times, forever, and never-ending.

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  • The Christ, the resurrection, the baptism.

  • Symbol of the Redemption.

  • By its composition, this number is considered as perfect.


  • It is the number of years of papacy that would cover the prophecy of saint Malachi according to Raoul Auclair: 'The oracle spreading on 888 years would distinguish a week of 777 years and 111 years of a nocturnal octave where, in the triumphant Babylone, will bloom the Mystery of iniquity. Finally, the oracle having begun with the second period of 111 years, the Church, before the Kingdom would spread on a duration of 18 times 111 years. That can be written 666 + 666 + 666. That allows also to consider 17 periods 111 years until the arrival the Day of Yahweh'.

  • The height of the key of vault of the cathedral of Troyes, is 88 feet and 8 inches.

  • In the sanctuaries of Islam, we find the octagon as geometrical figure which is a double square sacredness whose first layout gives a side of 88 feet and 8 inches.

  • Built in 691 after J.C. by Caliph Omar, the mosque named the 'Dome of the Rock of Jerusalem', located in Israel, has in its construction several remarkable geometrical structures. For example, the plan of ground is a double square, therefore an octagon, whose each side measures 88 feet 8 inches.


  • Numerical value of the name 'Jesus' in Greek language, Iesous or IHCOUC: 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200. In the Sibyl, we find on this subject a text revealing enough: 'Then will come to men the Son of the Great God, coated flesh, similar to mortals on earth; having four vowels, the consonant in him is doubled. But I want to tell you the whole number: eight units, so much tens in addition, and eight hundreds, here are what to the friends of incredulity, to men, the Name will reveal; but you, in the spirit, thinks well of the immortal and very high Son of God, to the Christ.'

  • The Christ tells: 'I am the Life'. In Greek, this sentence is written 'egw eimi h Zwh', numbering 888 = 5+10+40+10+8+7+800+8. It is the same with the sentence 'make the peace', eirhneuete, 5+10+100+8+50+5+400+5+300+5 = 888.

  • Sum of the two names Hebraic names under which God appears in the Old Testament. 'El shaddaï' (Gn 17,1; 28,3), AL ShDI, (1+30) + (300+4+10) = 345. 'I Am Who I Am!', (Ex 3,14), AEIE ASHR AEIE, (1+5+10+5) + (1+300+200) + (1+5+10+5) = 543. Thus: 345+543 = 888.

  • By using the ASCII character table, the name of JESUS CHRIST (in capital letters) gives 855. If we add the age to which He was crucified, 33, we obtain the number 888: J(74) + E(69) + S(83) + U(85) + S(83) + C(67) + H(72) + R(82) + I(73) + S(83) + T(84) + 33 = 888.

  • By using the ASCII character table, the numerical value of the 'PAPE JEAN PAUL' ('POPE JOHN PAUL' in English) is 886. Knowing that he is called John-Paul II, then by adding 2 to 886, we obtain 888.

  • By using the ASCII table, we find that the words 'physique' ('physics' in English) and 'COMMANDEMENT' ('commandment' in English, referring to the commandments of God) give 888.

  • By using as correspondence table A=1, B=2, ..., J=10, K=20, L=30, ..., S=100, T=200, ..., Z=800, we find that 'Constantinople' gives 888.

  • By using as correspondence table A=1, B=6, C=12..., we find that 'Dieu Un et Trin' ('God One and Trinity' in English) gives 888.

  • By using as correspondence table A=6, B=12, C=18..., we find that words 'protestant', 'VIERGE IMMACULEE', 'Saint Rosaire', 'Notre Dame' et basilique ('protesting', 'IMMACULATE VIRGIN', 'Holy Rosary', 'Our Lady' and 'basilica' in English) give all 888.

  • Jesus is crucified on the cross by three nails and the numerical value of the word nails in Greek is 888:

  • The numerical value of the Hebrew word ADVN ENPLAVE, meaning Lord of the miracles, gives 888.


  • The sum of the occurrences of numbers in the Bible multiple of 8, which are in the Bible of Jerusalem or the NRSV, gives 888.

  • Written in its cardinal form, the number 2 is used 888 times in the NRSV.

  • In its book 'Many Infallible Proofs', Dr. Henry Morris claims that the name of Jesus written in Greek, IECOUC, is mentioned exactly 888 time in the Greek New Testament.

  • The sum of the occurrences of all the numbers in the Bible multiple of 20 and written in their cardinal form gives 888-1 by counting 'ten thousand times ten thousand' (Dn 7,10) as being an additional number equal to 100000000.

  • The sum of the occurrences of all the numbers in the Bible equal or higher than 169 gives 888. This same result is also obtained by the addition of the occurrences of the numbers in the Old Testament written in their cardinal form and equal or higher than 127.


111 Bible Meaning


888 Meaning Bible

Last modification: December 19, 1998